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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

prince william

prince william. Prince William Image Gallery
  • Prince William Image Gallery

  • gkhaldi
    Oct 1, 02:12 AM
    Finally. I was waiting on this news since 2004 !!

    Looking forward to see the new version(s)

    prince william. Prince William Prince William
  • Prince William Prince William

  • jefhatfield
    Feb 22, 10:25 AM
    congrats to all you guys

    it's great, like mentioned above, that we now have more european mods for the posters in europe and usa posters who like to stay up really late ;)

    prince william. wedding – Prince William
  • wedding – Prince William

  • Mal
    Dec 15, 10:51 PM
    how do i make my top bar black???

    I used SnowTunes Noir (http://cristomac24.deviantart.com/art/SnowTunes-iTunes-OS-X-theme-141310715) (it's part of the download, there's three versions in one installer, both Noir and HUD are dark, just different styles). It's been working well for a long time now.


    prince william. Prince William is Bald,
  • Prince William is Bald,

  • ranviper
    Feb 1, 01:22 PM
    LIIINNNNKKKK!!!!? Badass wallpaper, man.

    Haha, I know i love it. Heres the link. Enjoy :D



    prince william. Prince William
  • Prince William

  • gri
    Nov 1, 09:14 AM
    Got mine through this morning from the AppleStore. Its absolutely wicked! Very, very diddy and comes with this cool little docking station to charge it and interface with my Mac. Looking forward to a trip to the gym tonight... ;)

    Does it come with the new or old earphones?

    prince william. prince william beard.
  • prince william beard.

  • blubyu
    Apr 7, 04:18 PM
    is that for jailbroken phones? I couldn't find it in the appstore(TM)

    update: I found it on a site for downloading android apps. Perhaps you have an android phone?

    Anyway looking at that site made me realize that I'm glad I don't have to deal with that. The site I found was amateurish looking and made me think it would be risky to use it in terms of potential viruses. The reviews from downloaders also confirmed what i suspected about apps for multiple platforms. There were many comments about the particular app not working on a particular device (ex - a samsung tablet) but working on another. What a headache it must be to keep those apps functioning with new devices from different manufacturers popping up all the time.

    My bad. It isn't the coleco version it is simply called LED Football. Pretty much the same thing though.


    prince william. Prince William Appears On
  • Prince William Appears On

  • rprebel
    Dec 1, 01:53 PM
    how did you get the date on the left..what's the application called

    That's Geektool, and yes...there's a thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=628023) for that.:)

    prince william. Prince William and Kate:
  • Prince William and Kate:

  • rammie2
    Oct 2, 06:23 PM

    What I need is a .exe script just like webshots, which I can chance to my own wishes,
    Does anyone knows where to find this????

    If this is not the correct forum, please tell me.



    prince william. family — Prince William#39;s
  • family — Prince William#39;s

  • jmmo20
    May 6, 10:57 AM
    For whatever reason, after any change in the itunes media folder, such as downloading a new mp3 or updating an iOS app, Time Machine insists on backing up the entire 30gb+ of the media folder.

    Any ideas why this is happening?

    prince william. prince william and diana
  • prince william and diana

  • asn rsl dly
    Dec 11, 07:14 PM



    prince william. Apparently Prince William got
  • Apparently Prince William got

  • MacBytes
    Jan 11, 02:55 PM
    Category: Mac Websites
    Link: GBUsers.com (GarageBand Users) is the latest site devoted to news, information, and discussion of Apple's new GarageBand music software (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20040111155500)

    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Approved by arn

    prince william. Young Prince William
  • Young Prince William

  • blackscooby
    Aug 3, 04:08 PM
    My most recent photo - berries in the garden


    prince william. prince william wedding. to
  • prince william wedding. to

  • yac_moda
    Jul 26, 07:29 PM
    TALK ABOUT PRE-ANNOUNCING :confused: :eek: :confused:

    Remember when SJ said we support BR ?!?!?!!?

    From someone who SWORE NO pre-announcements :eek: :eek:

    And still no BlueRay from Apple :eek: :eek: :eek:

    prince william. Well, for Prince
  • Well, for Prince

  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 12, 06:04 PM
    In tha quality department .. VW is Garbage!!! Chrysler has a better rating then they do.. I would have choose the 300C myself and the 2011's are nice

    Hmm, garbage. A bit strong, maybe? Chrysler has made its fair share of substandard autos too. Most versions of the Neon apart from the early twincams were pretty awful. The Avenger, Stratus, Sebring? Not so much. The Nitro? eek. The 300C/Charger is not so great with the V6 IMO, but equipped with the Hemi (provided you can handle the horrific fuel economy) it does a fair impression of a musclecar. The Challenger is retro done well, but is a niche vehicle.

    I would take the current Golf over any of Chrysler's smaller offerings.

    I won't knock the TDI though.. it's impressive but I don't like wrong wheel drive

    I used to be a RWD snob, but I'm over it now. FWD cars can be very fun to drive and in the right hands they can equal the performance of equivalent RWD vehicles. The quality of drivetrain and overal design of the car is more important than where the drive wheels are when you're talking compact cars.


    prince william. Prince William that born on 21
  • Prince William that born on 21

  • milbournosphere
    Aug 14, 04:41 PM
    Those boobs are so fake. Audrina's boobs aren't even that big ! I don't think they're so much fake as they are heavily airbrushed. Although I guess that still is a level of fake:)

    prince william. Prince William follows into
  • Prince William follows into

  • dethmaShine
    May 1, 08:25 AM
    I have no idea. That's how it's always been for me. I assume it uses the plist converter from Xcode. What versions are you running? I'm using path finder build 1045, Xcode build 4b33a, and OSX build 11a444d.

    Ah well, I don't have Xcode installed on my macbook. It's installed on my iMac. Maybe that's why it isn't using the strings converter from Xcode.

    I'll check it when my iMac comes after repairs.

    Somebody must do a grep in PrivateFrameworks or root (/) to find more instances of the same.

    sudo grep -r MobileMe / > ~/grepMobileMeRoot.txt
    sudo grep -r Castle / > ~/grepCastleRoot.txt

    I have found a lot of instances; may be you can decode them better through this strings converter.


    prince william. Prince William Girlfriend
  • Prince William Girlfriend

  • miles01110
    Dec 22, 09:14 AM
    Some people obviously don't know the cost of staff downtime. Each day, how much longer does it take windows computer to boot up than a Mac? Minutes longer. Add that up over every single work day. Then add the anti-virus scans, annoying pop ups, etc.

    Sure, a Windows machine might take longer to boot than a Mac. But realistically, in a normal office environment computers are left running. This particular point is pretty much moot.

    I just saw someone spending 4 hours on the phone with issues of the accounting software not working on windows 7.

    Yes, because clearly one data point indicates an industry-wide trend. Check the boards for Applecare horror stories, and those stories are from Apple's target market. Imagine what a nightmare it is when your business depends on uptime and you're told "yeah sorry... you have a small nick on the chassis so we won't replace it."

    And it turned out to be the anti-virus, after half a day was wasted (and maybe an hour of my time too). That would have bought a Mac Mini or a new MacBook Air, which can run the same software with ease without security conflicts.

    The typical argument of the fanboy... security. Security is a user problem, not a technical problem. I've yet to meet one properly trained employee that has gotten malware on their Windows machine.

    Perhaps if you'd like to participate in this discussion further you would consider grounding yourself in reality (and/or subject matter knowledge). Clearly you're in over your head.

    Since doing a little more research into it and taking the comments on this forum into account I have changed my opinion on whether or not macs should form part of our IT infrastructure.

    It's not so much that Macs do not fit at all into an enterprise environment, it's just that you've made it seem like your entire supply chain, user training, SLA network, etc etc are all geared towards Windows. It doesn't make sense to throw another cog into that system.

    I currently have enough trouble simply trying to ensure compatibility between Excel '07 files and Excel '03. Adding Excel for Mac files into the mix will no doubt simply introduce another layer of complexity which is certainly not beneficial. This is indicative of many of the 'small' problems that are typically faced every day in the office, again, no thank you to having any more of those.

    Annoying, isn't it? Microsoft certainly isn't perfect.

    I spend all day writing reports, specifications, data sheets, e-mails to clients and suppliers etc. All of which require dotting every I and crossing every T from a grammar point of view.

    I certainly hope so, but I doubt it. The possessive apostrophe is pretty elementary. Just be careful when you start getting calls from Mac's Computer Hardware.

    prince william. kate middleton, prince william
  • kate middleton, prince william

  • Benjy91
    Apr 28, 08:26 PM
    So Samsung believed Apple was violating it's patents all this time but decided to do nothing about it. Now that they have been pushed they decide to act. Sounds to me they are trying to find whatever they can to bite back at Apple.

    Most companies infringe on each others patents, but dont tend to act when a company infringes on theirs, because they know they're infringing on theirs too, or someone else's.

    prince william. photo | Prince William
  • photo | Prince William

  • Sankersizzle
    Oct 9, 02:51 AM
    Been bouncing around between these 3 for this month:




    I love me some Oscar the Grouch and Miranda Kerr!

    Mar 25, 01:01 PM
    Google don't map the world either - they do the street map images, but if you look at Google Maps you'll see that the actual roads data comes from either Tele Atlas or Navteq. Those two companies sell their map sets to all the sat-nav companies too.

    Exactly. Google gets map data from multiple sources. The reason Turn by Turn nav is only available on GMaps Android stems from licensing arrangement from map a provider.

    Google Maps can't be used for commercial purposes or modified or used as a base to build software on top of etc. Apple isn't looking to build a better map application than Google, it's building a map platform that developers can fully tap into and not have to abide by any restrictions or limitations from Google Maps.

    Dec 16, 06:37 AM
    Jvmxtra, can I get a link to your background?

    Jun 28, 11:16 AM
    sorry, but i don't know how to do that.
    you might want to chjeck sites like versiontracker.com to see if they have something for that. there are things so you can have different iPhoto and iTunes libraries, so i dont see why they cant do something for iCal.

    Feb 22, 09:32 PM
    What's wrong with Apple's website? They have pictures.

    Apr 25, 07:12 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    White iPhone ... The hot new accessory for females this summer.

    most ignorant statement ever.

    Possibly one of the most exaggerated responses to a post...ever....

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