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Friday, June 3, 2011

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  • wizard
    Apr 10, 04:29 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Interesting news, but the bit about booting competitors is downright disgusting.

    Couldn't agree more, disgraceful to be honest. This part of Apple I cannot abide.

    Are you sure you understand what is happening here? Apple is presenting at the FCP Users Group Supermeet, no one is getting booted from the NAB show!

    Now step back for a minute and THINK what are the members of this group interested in? Come on you can spit it out. If the users group management didn't respond to Apples request they would like have a rank and file revolt on their hands. Why be cause it is the FCP users group. At times people can be very dense.

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  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 26, 07:39 PM
    I hope they use Conroe in the iMac over Merom. Conroe is faster than Merom at cheaper prices. But it would mean more hardware tweaking that plopping a Merom in there.

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  • wmmk
    Aug 27, 12:16 AM
    PowerBook G5 next tuesday?
    that is so not funny at all any more:rolleyes:

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  • manu chao
    Apr 25, 01:49 PM
    Ah, the perfect storm! A (probable) bug that does not clip the data the way Google does it,
    Natually this leads to stupid lawsuits. This is America, dammit!

    And Google occasionally stores random data from any unsecured WiFi network its StreetView cars come by.

    I now there were rumblings about government investigations into Google's data grab (which was transmitted and stored onto Google's computers) but was there also a lawsuit?

    Not that Apple should not have fixed this presumed bug when it first was reported last year. Either nobody at Apple was really paying attention to what other people managed to extract in terms of 'forensic information' or they were not organised (or motivated) enough to get fix done. I cannot help myself but thinking that a scenario in which Apple knew about this but decided to fix it only with iOS 5 is not that unlikely.

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  • joecool85
    Jul 27, 09:41 AM
    Yay! Chips that don't suck and are fast! (I hate P4s)

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  • Sydde
    Mar 19, 05:46 PM
    It's a known fact the Obama Administration monitors MacRumors forums for a populist read on issues... ;) Yes I agree business is in charge colored by perceived economic end-results.

    Until we have publicly funded campaigns, there will be no change. As long as it costs millions to get elected, business will continue to set policy, maintain the farce of two different parties and basically run the country, a situation I think the OP of this thread is in favour of.

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  • jephrey
    Jul 14, 11:47 PM
    I assume that the PS move is due to heat. That thing generates heat, and if it can vent in a different location or through a different air channel than the processors, the I think that's good... And 2 drive bays is effin spectacular. I myself am fine with 1, but if I can get a bracket and put a couple HDs in that spot then cool. It'd be cool if apple made it usable that way. I would sure like more bays, but just having that real estate for them, and a solution to cleanly mount them would be nice.


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  • NJRonbo
    Jun 15, 09:02 AM
    Those of you still looking to order from the Shack...

    The latest I am hearing this morning from at least
    one store is that preorders start at 1pm.

    ...however they are not calling it preorders. They
    take down your name, phone and email and check
    the system. No deposit.

    I am being told that you ARE guaranteed a phone
    with this reservation.

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  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 27, 10:29 PM
    I'm seriously beginning to lose my patience with idiots. Is anyone else completely sick of these fools?

    I lost it a long time ago. Trump is an asshat that should just shut the **** up and go back to diddling eastern european models and building casinos (is that christian right compliant I wonder?).

    The truth is if Barack Obama was instead Piers Morgan or Simon Cowell and a republican candidate, there would have been an uproar if anyone had dared to ask if they were actually Americans by birth. Its racism, period. The right doesn't want a liberool n***** in the white house. That is it in the ****ing list. Anyone saying that's not what this is about is a ****ing liar.

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  • dmunz
    Apr 8, 06:03 AM
    I wonder if this has more to do with reward zone coupons and 18 month no interest financing. I always buy at Best Buy for these two reasons. Yes they are sleezeballs with cable pricing etc, but for the informed consumer, thier price/financing deals put them ahead on price controlled inventory like Apple stuff.


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  • Multimedia
    Aug 27, 10:59 AM
    Speaking of wish expectations Multimedia;

    I know you're hangin' out for Santa Rosa. The article mentions that it's expected in early 2007. Do you think that would be the date for official announcement of production-standard architecture, or actual availability announcement?

    Seems very early to be shipping...

    I could go out in September and get a Merom notebook, but I don't mind waiting 6 months for Santa Rosa to hit the street.I don't expect the Santa Rosa setup to be ready before Leopard is next Spring. I was going to wait that long. But hanging out here makes me want something this Fall once Core 2 is in full swing - IE some of it hits the refurb page. :p

    I'm thinking 17" MBP or MacBook depending on if MBP has the MB removable easy access HD feature. MacBook is really a bargain @ $949 refurb. I may even go for just a bottom of the line 1.66 GHz C2D refurb mini. But my penchant for spanning says a $949 MacBook at least. I've been a spanner since it became possible in 1986. Find one screen impossably confining - ESP since the 24" is also a TV most of the time thanks to Elgato's amazing EyeTV technologies.

    Mac Pro does crush video about 33% faster than this Quad G5 does. Still not fast enough. But significantly faster than I can do it now. But so might the MacBook. I really can't say yet. My mind is in flux. Still have to test Core 2 Duo performance Vs. Mac Pro for my particular video crushing needs. Two bottom of the line Minis may be an option as well.

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  • kny3twalker
    Apr 6, 10:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    ULV CPUs (17W) will go to 11.6". The TDP of 320M is not known but 9400M has TDP of 12W so it is quite safe to assume that the TDP is similar to that. That means current 11.6" MBA has TDP of 22W (includes CPU, GPU, chipset) while SB 11.6" MBA would have a TDP of 21W (17W for the CPU and ~4W for the PCH).

    13" will go with LV CPUs (25W). Again, currently it has 17W for the CPU and 12W for 320M. That's 29W. 25W CPU and ~4W for PCH gives you the same 29W.

    11.6" - Core i5-2537M (option for Core i7-2657M)
    13.3" - Core i7-2629M (option for Core i7-2649M)

    You should submit this. As the current article had me confused as to the potential configurations, and I am sure I am not alone there as your reply represents.

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 05:07 PM
    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    Android has taken fanboyism to epic new proportions. You can't go anywhere on the Web these days without the Android Brigade screaming at you about how awesome, "free" and "open" it is and how you should get on board. Just post the comment "ANDROID FTW!!!" on Engadget and watch the upvotes ensue. And while they're celebrating their epic market share gains, they are referring to iOS users as "sheep." Riiiight.

    I thought the Apple vs Microsoft holy war was bad (and we have at least one pro MS astroturfer on this Apple-oriented site), but Google seriously has a mindlock on some of these people. (I'm not referring to all Android users, mind you, only the ranting/raving types (which seem to be the majority these days).

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  • nsjoker
    Aug 17, 01:41 AM
    lol you mac folk and your photoshop :D
    let's get some game benchmarks :rolleyes:

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  • FF_productions
    Aug 15, 09:50 PM
    Well, we all knew that the G5 isn't a "bad" chip necessarily.. It's older tech, and I think, wasn't really meant for this kind of work (non-server applications).

    Preaching to the choir am I?

    I actually want a G5 now that they have started coming down in price. I could get a dual g5 for a pretty good price, it sure is a step up from a Dual G4.

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  • iMrNiceGuy0023
    Jun 9, 01:21 AM
    I think this will be great for AT&T and Apple....Radio Shack is the closest store out of AT&T and Apple Store

    Radio Shack and Best Buy use the same AT&T POS system to upgrade and activate phones

    I got my 3G and 3GS from Best Buy.....but i'll go to Radio Shack for my iPhone 4

    Looks like AT&T and Apple are looking to do big numbers with this release

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  • kenypowa
    Apr 27, 08:19 AM
    Wow. That's surprising. This whole time people downplayed it because there was no evidence that apple was actually transmitting this data. It wasn't a big deal because the db file was local only. Now when Apple addresses it they had to not only admit that the file exists but that they actually were transmitting data.

    Ah well, still not a big deal. :p

    It was never a big deal. Either you are holding it wrong or there is a misunderstanding. Apple never makes mistakes, didn't you get the memo? ;)

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  • bibbz
    Jun 9, 11:41 PM
    You mean Wal-Mart or something else? I've never heard of Wally World. Is that a chain back east? :confused:

    Walmart, lol

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  • irishv
    Mar 26, 04:25 PM
    I hope it's not killed. It's a neglected feature with so much potential, and it would be nice to see Apple do something with it. I was hoping they'd port the Apple TV interface into it. Plex and the other similar things just aren't quite right and lack the simplicity of front row. And iTunes is already a bloated slow piece of crap that needs a full re-write and a healthy diet. I get that it's the gateway app for Apple into Windows for their echo system, but the Windows version is worse than the Mac version. There has to be a way to clean it's gutters, but don't put anything more in there.

    I agree completely. When they first released it, Front Row seemed like a great way for Apple to test the water in the living room space. Unfortunately they just gave up on it after developing the AppleTV.

    Plex is definitely a step in the right direction, moving to a true client/server model. Apple has the pieces in place with Home Sharing and AirPlay, but it just seems like they refuse to put them together. A stripped down iTunes just for serving media and syncing to iOS devices would be sweet if another 10 foot interface could be used for playback.

    Full of Win
    Mar 25, 10:56 PM
    Just one step closer to 10.7.3, the first release I would ever think to use.

    Apr 6, 03:41 PM

    Aug 26, 07:49 PM
    What's the GPU on the new mbp gonna be? Bring on the SLI GPU's ;) Will give alienwares a run for their money.

    Apr 11, 02:48 PM

    Apple may innovate and capture an audience at the start of the race, but boy do they sure tapper off in the long stretch and lose market share over time. They should really be pumping out multiple iPhone versions in 6 month increments...same for the iPad. Upgrades don't need to be major, but enough to keep people on the hook for their products.

    NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!! They have the resources to do better than this. Unless total domination is not their focus.

    Mar 26, 05:29 AM
    been using the preview as my main OS since its release and havent had any problems besides sagari being a bitch sometimes. havent touched my snow leopard ever since.

    will we be able to get the GM by software update or will it be a complete nee upgrade disc image?

    oh and dashboard isnt pointless. i use it A LOT. for weather, world clock, istats, translator, notes and so on. i would rly miss it if it were to be replaced

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