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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

alis volat propriis tattoo

alis volat propriis tattoo. alis volat propriis: How to be
  • alis volat propriis: How to be

  • TrillyandTruly
    Apr 8, 01:29 PM

    alis volat propriis tattoo. Alis Volat Propriis
  • Alis Volat Propriis

  • Nameci
    Apr 16, 05:26 AM
    yes, i am running it both in my dual processor 1.42 G4 and Powerbook...

    alis volat propriis tattoo. alis volat propriis: How to be
  • alis volat propriis: How to be

  • Maclarny
    Apr 6, 09:58 PM
    Check it out yourself. (http://www.rev64.com)

    The other Tom Clancy websites have been updated in a coordinated campaign, it seems. It appears as though the new game is set about two decades from now and a new world war has broken out.

    Perhaps the site is alluding to Revelations 6:4 - "And out came another horse, bright red; its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that men should slay one another; and he was given a great sword."

    I'm excited.

    alis volat propriis tattoo. alis volat propriis: We#39;ll put
  • alis volat propriis: We#39;ll put

  • michaelrjohnson
    Aug 13, 03:20 PM
    very nice concept.


    alis volat propriis tattoo. alis volat propriis: Speak Now
  • alis volat propriis: Speak Now

  • *LTD*
    Mar 25, 12:47 PM
    Or you could just buy the TomTom iOS app for $39.99...

    Let's not forget the Garmin app. It actually works very well.

    alis volat propriis tattoo. alis volat propriis: How to be
  • alis volat propriis: How to be

  • macmunch
    Oct 11, 04:53 PM
    funny Bluetooth ---> 1 Mbit (or?)

    Fast Hard drive


    alis volat propriis tattoo. alis volat propriis: Spring
  • alis volat propriis: Spring

  • scotty96LSC
    Feb 2, 06:50 PM
    this is awesome, what's the modification... luv the icon and bottom info display...
    Running geek tool to display computer and itunes info. Whole thread on that here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=628023&highlight=geektool)

    alis volat propriis tattoo. Alis Volat Propriis: May 2010
  • Alis Volat Propriis: May 2010

  • Jimmy James
    Apr 26, 12:04 PM
    The available answers to the poll seem to imply that I want a white iPhone in the first place.

    I don't. It looks terrible.


    alis volat propriis tattoo. Alis Volat Propriis: June 2010
  • Alis Volat Propriis: June 2010

  • mac2x
    Dec 4, 04:20 AM
    Going stock for December. :D

    Redwoods on 24" display and earth on the MBP display.

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11156762/Screen%20shot%202010-12-04%20at%203.17.53%20AM.png http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11156762/Screen%20shot%202010-12-04%20at%203.17.53%20AM%20%282%29.png

    Also switched to the 2D Dock, and really liking the change. :)

    alis volat propriis tattoo. Alis Volat Propriis: June 2010
  • Alis Volat Propriis: June 2010

  • jackerin
    Feb 23, 05:36 PM
    I was wondering how you can directly transfer Loops to the Keyboard, as in having up side by side, as I cant seem to find this.
    I don't know what you mean with that, but you can't trigger loops from a MIDI keyboard if that's what you're asking.


    alis volat propriis tattoo. Alis Volat Propriis: May 2010
  • Alis Volat Propriis: May 2010

  • TopToffee
    Oct 10, 08:01 AM
    I'd rather pay and get upgrades than have the developer abandon the app because it isn't profitable to do anymore free updates. What should Loren do when everyone that will buy Tweetie already has it? Develop updates out of the goodness of his heart?

    The app store has a problem, and that's the amount of crap and cheapness of that crap. It drives the price of everything down. Factor in that ALL upgrades are free and you have a major problem for devs. You can sell an app once to each user, at next to nothing cost, and that's all you get. Yes, initially it's good when you're selling 100K apps a week but what happens when everyone's bought your app? The app store has a sustainability problem, and it will soon rear it's ugly head.

    Compare it to desktop software where even the most basic apps cost $10+ and all upgrades are paid.

    I'm quite happy to pay Loren �1.79 every 8-12 months for his work on Tweetie because frankly it's amazing and �1.79 is pretty much nothing.

    The problem with most whambulance drivers such as yourself is pretty much the same problem with society at large. You only care about yourself and what you can get for yourself regardless if it's at the expense of others. You have no social responsibility. People's inability to look past their own nose and care about others is really quite pathetic. You don't care if Loren gets paid for his work, or for a sustainable app store. Rather you simply care for how cheaply you can get apps and updates. The self-centredness, the "me me me"-ness of society has become quite a problem IMO.

    Hear f'n hear

    alis volat propriis tattoo. alis volat propriis: Spring
  • alis volat propriis: Spring

  • Applejuiced
    May 1, 10:02 AM
    Only if you JB.


    alis volat propriis tattoo. alis volat propriis: December
  • alis volat propriis: December

  • macaddiict
    Oct 26, 08:17 PM
    Wow, a lot bigger turnout tonight than I would have expected. Wasn't nearly as chaotic as it looks...


    Anyone else's iPhone credit not work? One of mine did, the other one didn't! :confused:

    alis volat propriis tattoo. Alis Volat Propriis: August
  • Alis Volat Propriis: August

  • Prom1
    Mar 23, 06:53 PM
    Serlet, is a pure (if you will) technical computer engineer... He get enjoyment about scientific computation, advanced algorithms, multi-threaded efficiency. The guy was nicknamed the "mad scientist" by Jobs himself, not because of his appearance, but because of he advanced studies in engineering and scientific computation.

    He's like the man in the tech French community.

    I can understand why he may want to leave, he's been gradually selling off his stock of Apple in recent years as well, so this makes sense.

    Apple is more iOS then OS X and since Forstall heads the iOS development, there was no viable way Bertrand could have stayed on when Apple decided to merge the OS's.

    I say it's a big loss for Apple. Though Craig should be a pleasant transition, and maybe a more frequent keynote speaker, since he's more understandable to the public.

    Serlet will be missed. He's pretty much one of the Core brains behind OS X

    I completed agree - except the part about being understandable. The ENTIRE audience got many of his jokes with Vista at the Leopard announcement and even with Snow Leopard. Just cause your ears cannot focus out the intricacies of a slight french accent doesn't mean the generic public cannot.


    alis volat propriis tattoo. alis volat propriis: January
  • alis volat propriis: January

  • bobber205
    Sep 26, 09:13 PM
    Has anyone had a close look at the main picture on Apple's preview page? The sender of the email in the top pane is 'Katie Lorenzo' but in the preview pane her name is 'Amy Lorenzo'. Also, the delivery time is out by almost an hour.


    He's right! :)

    alis volat propriis tattoo. Alis Volat Propriis: August
  • Alis Volat Propriis: August

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Nov 20, 02:24 PM
    I've never been able to understand how a WiFi phone could be a success before WiFi networks become pervasive and virtually free. How could you use a WiFi phone in your car, for instance? And what's the point of having iChat on your phone when you can only use it in the currently few and limited WiFi-enabled areas?

    Hmmm. I think I figured this one out. It's Apple. Apple makes Macs. All new Macs have Airport. Macs are plugged into the Internet. iPhones are made by Apple. Apple controls the default settings on Mac OS X.

    "If you're near a Mac your calls are free."

    How 'bout them Apples?


    alis volat propriis tattoo. Tattoo Ideas: Quotes on Life
  • Tattoo Ideas: Quotes on Life

  • mscriv
    Apr 6, 12:49 PM
    Worth quoting, given the back-and-forth that's gone on since this was originally posted.

    Thank you sir. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and appreciate the compliment. :)

    No woman was ever raped because of the kind of clothes she was wearing. Women are raped because people (almost exclusively men) choose to rape them.

    While it is true that people can put themselves at a higher risk through certain activities, for a politician to blame a young girl for her own rape is absolutely disgusting. It's also nauseating and ignorant for politicians to suggest modest dress as a way to prevent rape. Such thinking is completely backward.

    I agree with the notion that people should try to take steps to avoid risk, and that people can greatly reduce personal risk by making safer choices.

    But this nugget of wisdom does not really touch on the substance of the issue arising in the OP, to wit - how much responsiblity does a rape victim carry? Or, to turn the question around, how much of the rape is not the rapist's fault?

    Here's the thing. A woman's choice in dress or action does not mean she is to "blame" for being victimized, but we can not deny that her choice in dress or behavior can be a factor in her chances of being targeted.

    As far as the politician's comments, let's not forget that multiple articles have been written about her quote and she claims to have been misquoted. Regardless of our own personal political views, we must admit that people do get misquoted. Additionally, none of us are above making a error in judgement with our words. Sometimes things don't come out as we intend them or they sound different when they come out of our mouths as opposed to how it sounded in our heads.

    She responded to an email written to her by a blogger (http://www.timesofmalta.com/blogs/view/20110318/tanja-cilia/unjust-justice)with this:

    Thank you for your e-mail. You may want to read the article that appeared in the New York Times. When I read the article my heart went out to the little girl and I was angry that she was brutally assaulted. I was angry that nobody protected her and that she was even allowed to leave with an older boy. In my opinion an 11 year old girl is still a child and as such shouldn't be expected to understand that certain actions or attire are not appropriate for her. I did not indicate that she was raped because she was wearing inappropriate attire. What I did say (which was not reported) was that if her parents don't protect her then all that's left is the school.

    Additionally, the writer who wrote the story quoted by the OP has written two follow up stories on the matter. In the most recent one he states (http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/juice/2011/03/11_year_olds_dressed_like_pros.php#):

    But, look -- no matter where Kathleen Passidomo exists on the feminist spectrum, whether she's a closet burqa-wearer or the secret owner of a lucrative chain of abortion clinics -- the fact is, Kathleen Passidomo probably doesn't think this 11-year-old deserved to be gang-raped. How do we know? Because Kathleen Passidomo is a human being, and human beings do not generally feel that justice has been served when children are tortured and brutalized. However regrettable her phrasing, what Passidomo was trying to express is an obvious if unpopular truth: that although a child has every right to safety in any environment she chooses to enter, that right will not be equally protected by all individuals in all environments.

    * bold emphasis mine

    It's also, by the way, fallacious to assume that only young, attractive and/or scantily-clad women are raped.

    Great point. My post was intended to speak on the connection between personal responsibility and possible victimization. There is often a correlation between these variables. My comments in that post and in this one are not directed solely at this one sad case, but towards all types of victimization. If we focus on the topic of rape specifically there are a variety of types of rapes each carrying their own specific factors.

    If your interested my thoughts on post 50 is that it fundamentally misses the point.

    Everyone understands that we live in a world which contains certain dangers which can be mitigated by changing our behaviors.

    That isn't the point of this conversation, were all talking about BLAMING the victim in this case. Just because a victim makes a bad decision does not remove their reasonable expectation of safety.

    I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I think your view is very short sighted and continues to be rooted in a morality vacuum as opposed to reality. Sure, we can all agree that the ideal is every person, everywhere, regardless of circumstances should be safe, but the fact of the matter is that we aren't.

    No one is arguing that victims deserve what happens to them or that perpetrators should be any less to blame for the actions they take. However, we must learn to accept that a variety of factors are involved and that even victims can bear a measure of responsibility in putting themselves in situations where they are more likely to be victimized.

    Like I said above there are a variety of types of rape. Let's take the broad category of date rape as an example. The female that chooses to dress and carry herself in a suggestive manner might be sending signals that she does not intend to send and in doing so is making herself more of a target. Add alcohol to the mix and risks go way up. Does this mean the predator who chooses to take advantage in this situation is any less culpable, of course not, but to ignore the risk factors is like burying your head in the sand. Young women need to be taught about risk factors and learn how certain choices can either increase or minimize risk.

    As I have suggested, we cannot really know the answers to these questions without first interviewing (or obtaining transcripts of interviews of) rapists. Most of us on this forum are not rapists (I hope), so making broad inferences on what goes through such a monster's mind is rather pointless.

    Another great point. Guess what, in my experience as a therapist I've worked with rapists and abusers directly. I've done the interviews and talked with these indivduals about "what goes through [their] mind".

    Continuing the line of reasoning I started in my answer to AP_piano295, one young man who had "date raped" more than one female explained to me that at college parties he would target the girls who dressed and acted provocatively in addition to drinking heavily. In his words, "you know, the party girls" His reasoning was that these girls were easy marks and in most cases were less likely to report anything because they would rationalize the experience, if they remembered it, as "having gotten a little out of control or having drank too much" as opposed to having been victimized or raped.

    You see, rape is not always about power. Sometimes it is, but at other times it's about abuse, pain, fear, rage, or just plain sexual desire/conquest.

    One young male offender I worked with was in the system for sexually molesting his younger brother. He was a victim of abuse himself and his motivation for abusing his brother was jealously and anger. He felt his parents loved the younger brother more because he wasn't "damaged" and thus he acted out so his brother would be "just like him".

    I agree, but there's a vast difference between trying to 'minimize risk' and the post below:

    ...If a man sees a woman with a low top, lots of cleavage showing, high skirts and heels, then he will view her as trash.....

    Which acts as a kind of justification.

    Yes and no. While based on my own personal morals/ethics I agree with you that such a line of thinking is ridiculous, I must keep in mind that there are people that do think this way. And, they will use whatever rationalization it takes to both motivate and justify their judgements or actions. In the case of a predator the kind of thinking above could be the initial thought that starts a chain of events which ultimately results in an attack of some kind.

    In this specific gang rape case the victim is a child and thus there is limited capacity for personal responsibility. However, there are a variety of potential factors that ultimately contributed to what occurred: lack of parental supervision, negative peer involvement, possible previous sexually inappropriate behavior, socioeconomic conditions, etc. etc. I don't know the specifics and thus these are just generalizations, but regardless, the perpetrators are solely responsible for their actions and should be held responsible to the fullest extent of the law.

    Please understand, I'm not talking about morals, ideals, and values here (what I've previously referred to as the morality vacuum). I'm talking about understanding the link between personal responsibility and potential victimization. Simply put, while our choices do not make us responsible for any victimization that may befall us, we must recognize that our actions can contribute to the chances of us being targeted for victimization.

    I apologize for the long post, but I wanted to touch on the many comments that had been made and attempt to better explain my position. :)

    alis volat propriis tattoo. family quotes for tattoo.
  • family quotes for tattoo.

  • scoobydiesel
    Sep 1, 03:24 AM

    I do think I'm going to change it real soon, But this is art by Russell Dickerson which is based on a story called Scratch by Brian Keene(my favorite Author)

    I also hide my dock(kind of just started do this actually) I know its kind of a mess right now with the folders and such... But oh well :p

    alis volat propriis tattoo. Alis volat propriis- my tattoo
  • Alis volat propriis- my tattoo

  • Vivid.Inferno
    Oct 14, 12:52 PM
    I would have loved this 3 years ago when I worked. But now that I'm retired that's MY LIFE.:D

    I just graduated college and started working, so this might be my desktop for a while :rolleyes:

    Laird Knox
    Apr 6, 03:34 PM
    Mine was 10MB ... and people told me I was wasting money since a second floppy drive (5 1/4) would be more than enough (one to boot the OS, one for the data).

    Hehe, I once partitioned a 20MB drive into 24 partitions but that was for testing purposes.

    I also bought a 100MB drive for $1100 and a 32MB SIMM for the same price. Sometimes I cry when I think back. ;)

    Oct 12, 05:58 PM

    I think that answers the photoshop myth... BUSTED!!

    Oct 19, 08:24 PM
    well, you know what's coming...

    2 Owls
    Aug 2, 11:18 AM
    Any larger versions out there? It is a lovely image but too small a resolution for my monitor.

    Here is a zip containing the picture in a range of sizes from John Carey the artists website:
    fiftyfootshadows.net (http://files.fiftyfootshadows.net/going_home.zip)

    manu chao
    Apr 4, 11:31 AM
    What are you talking about? It's enabling choice. Customers have a choice to send their personal data to FT. Before, they did not.
    Yeah, right. Could I see please a screenshot where I can opt in and out of such things in iOS, including Apple collecting my location information? I am sure it is somewhere, I just have a tad more trouble finding it compared to FT's example.

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